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Unsere Philosophie

E D U C A T I O N A L   P R O G R A M 

At Mon Coeur we believe in humanity. With all our resources, we as humans are able to solve every challenge and conflict no matter if it’s on a local or global scale. 

There is enough money, food, water, technology and logistics in this world. The only thing that is missing is the right conscious and education to know how to share our resources.

We, as an NGO, try to create equal access to quality education.

In the townships of Cape Town, we want ensure quality education from kindergarten to graduation. The children need a productive environment to learn. That means a solid school building and a daily healthy lunch. For that, we need qualified mentors and teachers, who help the children grow into role models and future community leaders. We accomplish this goal by building and supporting kindergartens and schools in the townships.

In addition, we find gifted and talented students in these institutions and we sponsor their education until graduation with full scholarships to private schools outside of the townships. We want to provide them with the education and the network they need to become agents of positive change. 

Our projects are based on long term partnerships with the hope to make a positive impact on a lot of peoples life. 

Unsere Mission

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Ein Band für Bildung

Ein Band für Bildung

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Mon Coeur - The gift that keeps on giving.

Mon Coeur - The gift that keeps on giving.

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-Mon coeur-

-Mon coeur-

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Mon Coeur - be part of it.

Mon Coeur - be part of it.

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E D U C A T I O N A L   P R O G R A M 

At Mon Coeur we believe in humanity. With all our resources, we as humans are able to solve every challenge and conflict no matter if it’s on a local or global scale. 

There is enough money, food, water, technology and logistics in this world. The only thing that is missing is the right conscious and education to know how to share our resources.

We, as an NGO, try to create equal access to quality education.

In the townships of Cape Town, we want ensure quality education from kindergarten to graduation. The children need a productive environment to learn. That means a solid school building and a daily healthy lunch. For that, we need qualified mentors and teachers, who help the children grow into role models and future community leaders. We accomplish this goal by building and supporting kindergartens and schools in the townships.

In addition, we find gifted and talented students in these institutions and we sponsor their education until graduation with full scholarships to private schools outside of the townships. We want to provide them with the education and the network they need to become agents of positive change. 

Our projects are based on long term partnerships with the hope to make a positive impact on a lot of peoples life. 

Unsere Projekte

O U R   R E C E N T   P R O J E C T S 

Über die Jahre haben sich langjährige Partnerschaften ergeben, durch die wir einen positiven Einfluss auf das Leben vieler Menschen haben können. Jedes unserer unterstützen Projekte folgt dabei der Philosophie & den Zielen von Mon Coeur.



 is a pre-school near to Muizenberg/ Cape Town.

In this little building, in the middle of the Overcome Heights township, we provide education and two hot meals a day for more than 70 children between the age of 1 and 6 years. The lack of space is the biggest problem for this little campus.


„Little Lambs“ wurde 1999 als eine Einrichtung zur frühkindlichen Entwicklung Kinder in dem Township Imizamo Yethu bei Kapstadt gegründet. In diesem leben in etwa 30.000 Einwohner, wovon viele in provisorischen Unterkünften aus Wellblech mit einem mangelhaften Zugang zur Wasserversorgung und Sanitäranlagen leben. Aufgrund der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit haben viele Häuser Probleme mit Alkohol, Drogen, Kriminalität und Missbrauch von Frauen und Kindern. Little Lambs arbeitet bis heute nach der ursprünglichen Vision, dass Kinder in einer liebevollen Umgebung betreut und ihnen grundlegende Fähigkeiten für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft vermittelt werden. Dabei werden ca. 300 Kinder in elf Klassenzimmern mit gut ausgestatteten Spielplätzen werden von 13 entsprechend ausgebildeten Lehrern der örtlichen Gemeinde unterrichtet. Neben der persönlichen Hygiene und Pflege lernen die Kinder die englische Sprache und erhalten eine ausgewogene Ernährung. Zudem schafft Little Lambs Arbeitsplätze mit einer angemessener Bezahlung innerhalb der Gemeinde, für die Gemeinde, um den Teufelskreis der Armut zu durchbrechen.

Weitere Informationen findest du unter



In association with wiwo world we support education for children in Uganda. More info at


A project of superhero Perky in Cape Town South Africa. Every day, more than 700 children experience what it means to shape their own lives through education

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We implemented scholarships for talented children who graduate from our primary schools. We help them matriculate in mixed race private schools and pay the fees that the parents can’t afford.  We provide personal assistance for all educational matters and support them in improving their own talents. 


In cooperation with young start up’s from South Africa ,we design and manufacture our unique products. We take care that they provide sustainable work ethics, fair wages, and a positive attitude in their team to change the world for good. 


Here are some of our favorite brands

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