We create possibilities for positive change. In purchasing a Mon Coeur product you can help a child in need through education. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
With the purchase of just one bracelet you help children in Africa to get a better education. Either produced in the township of Mitchells Plain in Cape Town, or in Hamburg by refugees who found their way to us via Lampedusa in 2014. 100% of the proceeds of the Mon Coeur bracelet will be donated to social projects, but especially to school education in South Africa, in order to create a sustainable change.
We always follow the principle of Nelson Mandela:
" Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".
Money earned from all of our products goes to support the schooling of children in South Africa. It is our aim to provide “help for self-help.” When creating our products, we use high quality, durable materials and pay fair wages for their production. Many of our products are handmade.
Wir produzieren Geschenkideen in den Armenvierteln Südafrikas, damit unterstützen wir die kleinsten Unternehmen und kreieren Jobs.
Wir verkaufen die Geschenkideen in Europa und ermöglichen Kindern in Südafrika durch den Erlös, Zugang zu guter Bildung.
Tue schenkend Gutes, verschenke "Mon Coeur"
an deine Liebsten.
The Mon Coeur bracelet was born in 2006, and now Mon Coeur has grown to sell many different products and the team consists of many people with different origins, talents, and interests. Thousands of Mon Coeur bracelets have been sold - with love and commitment - and our work to support education in South Africa has grown every year.
With “Mon Coeur” we strive to make the unjust distribution of education and resources in our world a little more fair. The aim of our association, "Ein Band für Bildung e.V.," is to promote the education of children in South Africa in order to create a basis for sustainable development and positive change in South Africa.
At Mon Coeur, we believe that humanity can solve any challenge, conflict, or problem of its own making. We want to actively ensure more equality in this world. Mon Coeur supports the development and implementation of educational systems for children in local communities in South Africa.
Many partnerships have emerged over the years without which we would not be able to provide the help that we provide. Our requirement for partners is that they share the Mon Coeur vision and create a fair working environment with reasonable wages for their employees. The production of our products already supports a positive cycle according to the motto "Help for self-help" & "Equality for Africa".
Do you also want to make a contribution to the formation of sustainable development in South Africa? Aside from selling our products, we also accept donations that go 100% to our educational institutions in South Africa. We personally ensure that your donation arrives where it is needed most!
Bank: Sparkasse Saarbrücken
Kontoinhaber: Ein Band für Bildung e.V.
IBAN: DE03 5905 0101 0067 0723 63
oder direkt und sicher über PayPal spenden:
Can I actively participate in Mon Coeur?
"Mon Coeur" is an unbureaucratic platform where people meet who want to give back some of their happiness. Do you have a talent, an interest that can help our association and thus the children or would you like to donate your time? Then get in touch with us at any time.
How is the "Mon Coeur bracelet" financed?
The materials for the Mon Coeur bracelet are entirely supported by donations and the proceeds from our for-profit products. Either produced in the township Mitchells Plain in Cape Town or against a payment of 1€ by refugees in Hamburg. The shipping is completely organized by volunteers of the NGO.
Why does Mon Coeur invest mainly in education and not in medical aid?